
Please send your manuscript as word document and pdf-file to Franziska Beutler or to one of the editors.

Your contribution can be submitted in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish or Latin.

For Greek, Coptic etc. script you are asked to use a Unicode character set, preferable IFAO-Grec.

Your article has not been published yet and is not submitted in any other journal.


Peer Review Process

Each article in TYCHE is being reviewed by the editorial board as well as by the Scientific Advisory Board and/or other international experts. The articles are submitted for review anonymously (double-blind peer review). Having determined the innovative and scientific quality and the relevance of the contribution, further criteria for articles to be selected for TYCHE are the consideration of recent publications and correct sophisticated language. In case of a positive decision, the proposals of the experts will be sent to the respective authors for incorporation. This process improves the quality of the published articles and ensures the high standard of TYCHE.

As soon as your article has been accepted for print you are asked to follow the guidelines of TYCHE.


Guidelines of TYCHE

The first name is abbreviated and followed by the last name, then put a comma before the title of the monography/article (example 1, 2).
If an article is published in a collection of articles, e.g. proceedings, please use “in:” before the name of the editors and the title (example 2).
The names of two or more authors are separated by comma(s).
The full title is written in italic. There is no need to cite the subtitle. The title of a monography is followed by a comma and place and year of publication; after another comma the number of pages are indicated.
Series are mentioned in brackets after the title of the book (example 2, 4).

The abbreviation of the journal is followed by the number of the volume and in brackets the year of publication. Finally put – without a comma – the number of pages.
For the abbreviation of the journals please use the list of L’année philologique.

Ancient authors, inscriptions and papyri
For the abbreviation of the Greek and Latin authors and their works TYCHE uses the list of abbreviations in Der Neue Pauly (DNP 1, 1996, XXXIX–XLVII),
for epigraphical editions the Guide de l’Épigraphiste,
for editions and standard works of Greek epigraphy GrEpiAbbr,
for papyrological editions the Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets.

To refer to an already quoted monography or article please write the surname of the author with an abbreviation of the title and in brackets a reference to the footnote where the publication is mentioned first. After the brackets without a comma the number of pages is stated (example 3).
Please do not use ff. for the indication of pages.


  1. E. G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Greek Codex, Philadelphia 1977, 55.
  2. J. Gascou, Les codices documentaires égyptiens, in: A. Blanchard (ed.), Les débuts du codex (Bibliologia 9), Turnhout 1989, 71–101.
  3. Turner, Typology (s. n. 3) 34.
  4. P. von Moos, Consolatio. Studien zur mittelalterlichen Trostliteratur über den Tod und zum Problem der christlichen Trauer I–IV (Münstersche Mittelalter-Schriften 3), München 1971–1972.
  5. G. Alföldy, Taurisci und Norici, Historia 15 (1966) 224–241.
  6. Th. Lenschau, Hannibal, RE 7, 2 (1912) 2323–2351.