Frage und Antwort in Recht und Geschäftspraxis der römischen Kaiserzeit: Die Klausel ex interrogatione facta tabellarum signatarum
stipulatio, homology, solemnity, auction, quittance, Archive of L. Caecilius IucundusAbstract
The words ex interrogatione facta tabellarum signatarum in Roman documents of the imperial period attest to a practice of recognising by the party concerned of the contents of a witness deed already drawn up. The recognition takes place following a question by the other party: "Did this happen as described in the sealed deed?", and thus in a similar way to the Roman promise of debt (stipulatio), the transaction of remission (acceptilatio), but also the conclusion of a purchase. In all these cases, the question and answer shape the solemnity of the declaration. This broader Roman practice calls into question the previously prevailing opinion that the question-answer clause in the Graeco-Egyptian papyri was always documentation of a (misunderstood) Roman stipulatio.
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