About the Journal

TYCHE is a scholarly journal based at the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna. This journal of high academic reputation has been published since 1986 and contains (double-blind) peer-reviewed articles in German, English, French, Italian and Latin. The scientific focus lies on the whole range of antiquity from the beginnings of Greek history to Late antiquity. Emphasis is placed on the edition and interpretation of epigraphic and papyrological sources. The journal further includes papyrological (Korr. Tyche) and epigraphic (Adnotationes epigraphicae) miscellanea as well as a review section. In addition to the regular annual volumes TYCHE also issues monographic Supplement and Special Volumes.

Peer Review Process
Each article in TYCHE is being reviewed by the editorial board as well as by the Scientific Advisory Board and/or other international experts. The articles are submitted for review anonymously (double-blind peer review). Having determined the innovative and scientific quality and the relevance of the contribution, further criteria for articles to be selected for TYCHE are the consideration of recent publications and correct sophisticated language. In case of a positive decision, the proposals of the experts will be sent to the respective authors for incorporation. This process improves the quality of the published articles and ensures the high standard of TYCHE.

The editors of TYCHE are committed to the principles of good scientific practice. Personal attacks and polemic will not be accepted.

Scientific Advisory Board
Angelos Chaniotis
Denis Feissel
Jörg Fündling
Nikolaos Gonis
Klaus Hallof
Anne Kolb
Michael Peachin

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Articles in Tyche (including HTML and PDF Files) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright Policy
Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

TYCHE open access has no article processing charges (APCs) or publication fees.

Journal History
Founded 1986 by Gerhard Dobesch, Hermann Harrauer, Peter Siewert, Ekkehard Weber. Since 2009 the association TYCHE – Verein zur Förderung der Alten Geschichte in Österreich acts as editor and assigned Thomas Corsten, Fritz Mitthof, Bernhard Palme and Hans Taeuber as Editorial Board with the support of Franziska Beutler and Wolfgang Hameter. A international Scientific Advisory Board was founded with Angelos Chaniotis, Denis Feissel, Jörg Fündling, Nikolaos Gonis, Klaus Hallof, Anne Kolb, Michael Peachin. In 2020 Hans Taeuber retired and Peter Kruschwitz became part of the Editorial Board. After the resignation of Thomas Corsten Nino Luraghi, Franziska Beutler and Martin Hallmansecker joined the Editorial Board. With the help of the FWF and Verlag Holzhausen GmbH Tyche-online started in 2015 and made all volumes accessible to the reader. 

Founded by: Gerhard Dobesch, Hermann Harrauer, Peter Siewert, Ekkehard Weber
Editors: TYCHE – Verein zur Förderung der Alten Geschichte in Österreich
Represented by: Franziska Beutler, Martin Hallmannsecker, Peter Kruschwitz, Nino Luraghi, Fritz Mitthof, Bernhard Palme
Scientific Advisory Board: Angelos Chaniotis, Denis Feissel, Jörg Fündling, Nikolaos Gonis, Klaus Hallof, Anne Kolb, Michael Peachin

ISSN: 1010-9161 | eISSN: 2409-5540

University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
1010 Vienna

Sources of Support
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Haus der Forschung
Sensengasse 1
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-505 67 40
F: +43-1-505 67 39
E: office@fwf.ac.at

Verlag Holzhausen GmbH
Traungasse 14-16
1030 Vienna
T: +43 1 70 95 -13
E: office@verlagholzhausen.at