A Petition to the Iuridicus from the Archive of Ptolemaios Son of Diodoros (147 CE, Theadelphia)
Administration of Justice, Loan, Mortgage, Provincial Elites, iuridicus, Roman EgyptAbstract
P.Col. inv. 28 (Sep.-Oct. 147) is a draft of a petition to the Iuridicus, issued by three siblings in Theadelphia. It concerns a loan taken by the sibling’s father in 119/20 CE. The debt was probably secured by a mortgage. Some of the principal and the entire interest have been settled by the original debtor in 124/5 CE, but the creditor’s heir and present creditor disregards that settlement. The text was probably drafted by Ptolemaios, son of Diodoros, whose archive has so far yielded 22 texts (TM Arch id: 325). An earlier draft of a petition relating to the same dispute has recently been published as PSI XVII 1689.
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