Das Große Verfahrenstechnisch-Historische Scholion über den Ostrakismos [Philochoros FGrHist 328 F 30 / Theophrast fr. 640ab Fortenbaugh]
Versuch einer Rekonstruktion
Classical Athens, ostracism, Philochorus, Didymus of Alexandria, lexicography, scholiaAbstract
The paper aims at the reconstruction of a treatise on Athenian ostracism, whose traces are found in five passages of anonymous lexicographic and scholiastic texts. Three of them name Philochorus as source, but a closer scrutiny reveals that this attribution holds true only for the first part of the treatise, which deals with the procedure of ostracism. The second part is a compilation of various notices, made up and combined with Philochorus’ text by an author who wanted to give a concise report of the main aspects of ostracism and who is perhaps to be identified with the Alexandrinian scholar Didymus (1th cent. B.C.)
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