P.Tbilisi inv. 344v: Extract from Memphite Land Register
Papyri russischer und georgischer Sammlungen, Memphis, land register, G. Zereteli, Georgian National Centre of ManuscriptsAbstract
The article presents an edition of the verso of P.Ross.Georg.V 25. The publication of both recto and verso of this papyrus, now kept at the Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts in Tbilisi (inv.344), was planned by G. Zereteli in the same volume V, but ultimately only recto was published. An attempt to trace the history of the acquisition and publication of inv.344, as well as its possible realtion to other Memphite papyri, is made in the introduction. The text of the verso is an overview of plots of land in Memphite villages, with calculations of arourai. The editor suggests it could be written for private purposes and used as an excerpt from an official land register or as a draft used for the preparation of a section in a longer list.
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