Accepta pariatoria und pastus militum: Eine neue Statuenbasis mit zwei Inschriften aus Novae
accepta pariatoria, Roman legions, lower Danube, supply system, pastus militum, legio I Italica, Novae, Moesia inferiorAbstract
This paper presents a tall statue-base inscribed with two short Latin texts on two sides of the stone discovered through recent excavation in the headquarters building of the 1st Italic Legion at Novae (Lower Moesia). The right side bears an inscription containing the day of the specified consular date (13th August 241) followed by words accepta pariatoria whose meaning is discussed in the first part of the paper. The text on the front side of the stone inscribed probably ca AD 300 by a primipilarius from Phoenice is a dedication to Liber Pater. In all likelihood we are dealing with the earliest known epigraphic text relating to the institution of pastus militum.Downloads
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